Work with me

Courses & Coaching in
Feminine Leadership, Presence & Transformation

I work with women who make their living by being smart and driven AND who also are longing for their embodied power, for a soul connection and for Divine Eros. To be able to lead, build and live from their Awakened Feminine Leadership, which is about being, not doing (and yet getting things done). If you want to know more, schedule a free consultation here.

Awakening Feminine Leadership - Signature Program and initiation is an invitation to your feminine life-force. It’s a live six-week course with other women - and as most women who have taken the course, now over 150 women, have witnessed; there is a before and after. Start date is March 4, 2025. Make sure to block out the following six weeks every Tuesday evening for a live online experience that will turn you on to your true power, pleasure and presence.

Starts March 4, 2025

Feminine Leadership Executive Coaching

I love turning women on to their feminine leadership; their pleasure, their power and their presence. There is a magical shift when we start focusing on what we want, instead of what we resist. When we start sparkling from the inside, when we can show up for ourselves, set our terms and be playful at the same time, we become irresistible. First of all to ourselves. We start liking ourselves. And then we become irresistible to others. Not in a weird way, just in a magnetic one, as when you gravitate towards the party that is filled with dance and joy. I only work with women who have taken the Signature Course or have completed Taste, the digital course. Reach out here if you want to implement Awakening Feminine Leadership in your business and in your leadership.

The Seductress Club - A Feminine & Flirtatious Path to Realization & Actualization

community photo

Belonging to a sisterhood that is turned-on, present, playful and wildly powerful is a way of extending your own pleasure, presence and power - to keep the flame alive and to build on its power. It is an evolutionary path of being connected to something bigger than you; the Divine and Conscious Playful Feminine, together with other women longing for the same. It’s deeply calming to our social nervous system, especially as a leader or entrepreneur operating in an intellectual and masculine realm, because we have each other’s back and this sisterhood carries the seed of Eros-powered transformation. In addition, it also involves inviting men and learning how to relate to the masculine, while not losing ourselves, but instead knowing ourselves, in a direct-knowing embodied way, as Queens. The Seductress Club, a feminine and playful path to Realization and Actualization is ongoing and growing. You will have to apply to get accepted, it’s only open a few times a year for new applicants and not everyone who applies gets accepted. (Not trying to be an a-hole here, but it’s my job to make sure the frequency in the group gets expanded by each new participant. Some qualities that matter are heart connection, openness, capacity to commit, being able to inquire (it’s taught in the Signature Program), social fluency and being able to surrender to something bigger. It’s only open for women who have taken the Signature Program.