Awakening Feminine Leadership - Signature Program
The six-week teaching & live group-coaching journey starts
March 4, 2025
Apply Here
A Six-Week Feminine Leadership Program & Group Coaching Journey to discover & own your pleasure, claim your power and lead with presence.
This program is an invitation to Awaken your Feminine Leadership, which is based in the body and in your being. In a way you could say that this program is about coming alive, with that sparkly glean in your eye, sashaying into your Queendom - and Pleasuredome - as a sovereign leader - oozing with confidence.. By coming into contact with your pleasure, your embodied power in your belly and jewel (pussy) and by clarifying your soul through presence, which I also call ‘mindfulness with benefits’ with other women walking the same path, you will discover how the awakened feminine leadership is the game-changer the world was waiting for, without trying to make it so. It is an invitation to go from being a burned-out idealist to a turned-on pragmatic. It is about moving into a new global paradigm of feminine leadership. A most juicy welcome!
Eight years ago, I was asked to create a group coaching program about women’s sexuality, spirituality and leadership. This after having created leadership programs for women for the past 15 years prior. I had no idea at that time, that this program would come to change my life. And a lot of the women who have taken it feel the same. I believe the reason for the interest is that we all, especially high-achievers, change-makers and good girls, who also are soul-seekers, are secretly longing for a different way of living, with more eros and pleasure, with more playfulness, as well as closer to presence, mystery and our own soul.
Most of us are in a long distance-relationship with our bodies, living in our heads, disconnected from our jewels and souls, while operating in masculine performance-driven environments. While mental agility and intellectual capacities are wonderful and sought after, monetarily and otherwise, they can also choke us in a never-ending do-more/fail-less monologue, and we disconnect from our true power sources, namely our bodies, more specifically our jewels, Eros and presence. When we turn our gaze inwards, starting with our desires, our heart’s longing and reconnecting to our bodies, we discover a power that is self-renewable and ultimately takes us all the way home to our essence, our soul, and we learn to abide in presence and a more clarified soul. We learn how to own our pleasure, claim our power and live from and sometimes even as presence. We become Awakened Feminine Leaders, or maybe more aptly put Queens/Goddesses/Priestesses - who are not here to transcend life, quoting psychologist Marion Woodman, but instead to dive deeper into it.
When more women move into this leadership, there is a collective shift of consciousness. It becomes the Call of the Feminine, unstoppable and deeply welcome. This is what the world, unknowingly, has been waiting for, and this is what is being called in. Are you ready to show up in your full juicy glory - to become the next generation of Awakened Feminine Leaders?
The valley spirit never dies. It is named the mysterious feminine. And the doorway of the mysterious feminine is the base from which heaven and earth sprang. It is there within us all this while. Draw upon it as you will. It never runs dry
Tao Te Ching
Expected Results
Nowadays, I’m hesitant to speak about “results”, since I try to stay as far away from what is measurable and quantifiable as possible. Not that measurements are bad or not useful, they are not and they are very useful, but because they tend to close us hearts down, and I want to invite curiosity and expansion above all. Having that said, below are some potential results that could be relevant to you. I also recommend you read the list of testimonials, since they will speak more to what is possible.
-You will have a map of a world-view where the conscious feminine, the juicy life-force and the body are sacred. And why both the conscious feminine and the conscious masculine are needed in the world as well as in the business world.
-You will know the power of your desires and turn-on - and have found ways to apply these desires and turn-on in your daily leadership of yourself and others.
-You will have developed a new relationship with your body and in particular with your jewel (pussy), as a source for your strength, guidance and direction.
-You will be a more connected and intuitive leader of yourself and of and with others.
-You will be able to ask for what you really want (starting on a material level and take it all the way to what’s most holy) instead of leading with resistance.
-You will have explored your inner power and strength, your sensualism, charisma and ability to impact other people privately and professionally with integrity in alignment.
-You will have awakened and strengthened your sensuality and playfulness - also as a way to build resilience, especially in challenging times.
-You will have learned how to do a Good Girl Detox, set clear boundaries and defined the ‘givens’; the conditions necessary for you to thrive.
-You will have explored what it means to surrender, and what is necessary in order to be able to surrender instead of collapsing.
-You will have learned basic practices of women’s nervous system and how to self-regulate in times of stress.
-You will have tasted your inner Black Panther, and how to growl when need be, which is another part of your nervous system and part of owning your power.
-You will be able to experience more transformative sex (with and without a partner) and how to use that power in all walks of life.
-You will have developed a deeper loving connection with yourself, held together by self-love and presence, an invitation to the mystery within and beyond you.
Above all, I invite you to a safe, playful and loving container together with other women, to explore the awakened feminine together. Which is so much fun, and so friggin’ powerful. You will not look at yourself in the same way after this program.
What the group coaching program contains
A short introduction call, based on an intake questionnaire.
Six weekly teaching modules and group-coaching by Zoom 120 minutes each Tuesday at 7.00-9.00PM CET (Central European Time), with the purpose of presenting the material in presence, building community, go deep and be able to experience the theme experientially physically, mentally and energetically, using inquiry as a method, as well as exercises to activate your jewel and your sexual energy. Each call starts with breathing practices, Tantric movement and connection with the jewel and we always dance at some point in the call.
Three embodiment sessions of 30 minutes 3 out of the 6 weeks on Thursdays at 12.45 CET. They will go deeper into sensing techniques, listening and looking, breath techniques with your jewel, pelvic floor training, lots of sound practices, including growls and howls. The last five minutes of each embodiment session will be a seated meditation.
A 2-hour interactive coaching-lab session where you can get support with your questions or issues, witnessed by others and also hearing other’s processes.
Weekly inquiries with different partners in the group over zoom (or physically if you are in the same location and want to meet that way) that will support you in landing the material. Instructions and themes are available on your teaching portal after each group coaching call.
Recordings are available on your teaching portal after each call and session so if you can’t participate in a call, you can watch and/or listen to the recording.
Daily (five days a week) email-inspiration including reflections and practice invitations.
A private community where you can engage with other participants.
Dates & Times
The course starts March 4, 2025.
The Six Teaching Modules & Group-Coaching Calls
1. Tuesday, March 4, 2025 7-9PM CET - The Power of the Awakened Feminine Leadership - Pleasure, Power & Presence
What if we aren’t the ones we think we are? What if we are so much bigger, so much juicier and so much more of Queens, Goddesses or pure manifestations of Presence itself? In this module we will start stoking the fire of the Awakened Feminine Leadership by exploring a new map of existence, identity and leadership; a map where the feminine is vital, where Shakti and Eros are the building blocks and why Presence is key. We will explore the power of experiential truth, learn why the movement from wanting to save the world and the turn towards pleasure and truth is what our bodies, and the world, needs. We go from being burned-out idealists to turned-on and deeply connected pragmatics who are practicing an entirely new way of leading. We will explore the three basic concepts of Pleasure, Power and Presence, and start practicing how they are expressed in our bodies. We will also invite the possibility of just lettings ourselves be throughout the course.
2. Tuesday, March 11, 2025 7-9PM CET - Knowing the Feminine
The feminine in this program is an expression of Eros, and it’s ever-changing, so very human and yet also eternal. The turned-on feminine is also the Call itself, calling life into existence, which makes it so powerful. In this module we will get to know the feminine and dive into these concepts and theories with the body. We will explore the different levels of feminine and masculine development and the interplay of both, what feminine energy is and why the body is an expression of the feminine. We will also look at why many people across the world have an aversion towards the feminine and what it does to us as women and to our ability to own our power and lead from the feminine. We will examine how the feminine relates to the business world, towards deliveries and deadlines, why so many women in particular burn out, and why the feminine, holding pleasure, strength and vulnerability, is the game changer the world needs. And how it changes the way we lead ourselves and others. Finally, we will open the door to the Divine Feminine, and reclaim the extraordinary playfulness of the She That Catwalks the Galaxies and learn to express it and Her as we connect to our hips and feel our presence in sensual movements.
3. Tuesday, March 18, 2025 7-9PM CET - The Flame, Desire & Longing
Pleasure, desire and longing are essential for Awakening Feminine Leadership. We will start by exploring how our basic desires are clues to finding our way home, and we will practice activating our desires, from small to big. This is also a great tool for rewiring our nervous system and our brain’s inherent negativity bias, by actively choosing what we desire and what gives us pleasure instead of what we resist. We will also explore the deeper concepts of desire, a Tantric path, which is about experiencing the feelings of desire, but not being attached to an outcome of that desire. As we go deeper, we will discover the power of longing as an awakening of our hearts. And at the deepest level, we will discover our flame of existence, which is at the core of all our longings. We’ll also dive deep into how we can increase the amount of pleasure in our lives and how work and leadership changes when we focus on these core tenets. It’s almost like magic, yet equally pragmatic. Most of all, we will luxuriate in the juicy and yummy loveliness of being immersed in our desires, longings, while discovering our flame.
4. Tuesday, March 25, 2025 7-9PM CET - The Jewel Force or Pussy Power
The Jewel Force, or Pussy Power is our unknown super-power. She is palpable when she is felt and we will explore the power of her anatomically and neurologically, the fact that we have a distributed brain in our clitoris, and how she is a place of intuition and sacredness. In this module we’ll get hands-on, where we want to practice to let go of our shame that almost all women have around their jewels and their sexuality. We will look at current masculine definitions of sexuality and why our collective shame and guilt stops our capacity to experience life. Because sexual energy is life force, and when made conscious, it becomes an extraordinarily ally on our path. For many women this is also an area of trauma and of boundary-violations, so we will practice with some trauma-reparative tools for reclaiming this sacred field, while learning how to increase our capacity for more receiving more pleasure. We will also explore what happens when you activate the jewel in leadership settings. The changes are palpable, fun and deeply empowering for you and for those you are in contact with, while also deeply centering and healing.
5. Tuesday, April 1, 2025 7-9PM CET - Wild Power, Good Girl Detox and Sweet Surrender
In this module we are activating our raw animal power, experiencing ourselves as a Black Panther, and what it feels like to embody the predator (most of us, especially under stress, experience ourselves as prey). This is our red essence, which is glorious when activated and expanded. It knows its place in the Universe, makes no excuses, goes after what it wants and is very clear about its boundaries. We will also experience our orange flirtatious power, which is a combination of our red essence with our honey-like presence, and it’s this essence that holds the flavor of Awakened Feminine Leadership. There is no agenda here, no strategy, just the pure playful fun of existence in connection with others. Finally, we will also explore our capacity for surrender, which, is about letting go and relaxing into being. Which is waking up to our true will. Not the one where we clench our jaw, and force ourselves to get things done and try to control ourselves and others. This is the capacity to trust what is unfolding and to end our fight with reality. Which doesn’t mean giving up or letting ourselves be taken advantage of. To the contrary. This is about staying with ourselves, in our bodies, and to allow our inner guidance to set the course. It’s innocent, magnificent, and it feels like we are a mountain.
6. Tuesday, April 8, 2025 7-9PM CET - Awakened Feminine Leadership, Sisterhood and Leading and Living A Life of Ongoing Seduction - The Emerging Leadership Paradigm
The Awakened Feminine Leadership is a Path of the Soul and Seduction, and in this sixth and final module, we’ll explore what it means to become a Juicy, Powerful & Presence-filled Leader in the emerging paradigm. And what happens when enough women have woken up to this glittery power, and how it transforms the way we show up in the world, how we lead and build companies, organizations and societies - the present and turned-on sisterhood, which just might save the world without us wanting or needing it. We’ll dive into the connection between our jewels, our hearts and souls, within and the glitter frequency itself. We will also explore how to stay with what is and with ourselves, while falling in love with ourselves, all parts of us, the ugliest, the parts of us and our behavior that we can’t stand and the extraordinary beauty we are, and how an allowing for what is here changes everything in how we lead and show up in the world. Most of all, this final module is about the art of flirting with life, and discovering that life flirts right back.
How to get the most out of the program
My intention with the program is to immerse you into a world of the turned-on and deeply present and alive feminine. A love-fest for yourself with other women longing for the same. So here are a few things to do/not do:
Be a ‘sieve’*, meaning don’t grab at what is shared in the program, let it pour through. I will keep repeating the message in different ways. And you can always retake the program either on your own, you can download the materials or by coming back next year.
Don’t try to force an understanding. So much of traditional teachings in education and courses at work revolve around you proving your level of understanding. This is a program focused on opening a door to being, to the feminine. You can understand certain things with your mind, but your intellectual acuity is not asked for in this program. It’s an invitation to let yourself be and allow a deeper understanding rise in you, in its own time.
Invite a sense of curiosity with all that is shared and offered in this program. See what resonates, what draws you in, and leave the rest.
Be your own teacher. I’m offering ideas, concepts and most of all a presence that I invite you all to experience, but you are the arbiter of your world and your knowing. Trust yourself.
Titrate - In trauma therapy settings, and in the Diamond Approach, we use the word titrate, which means allow yourself to go as slowly as is appropriate for you, and take in whatever feels pleasurable and accessible to you. One definition of trauma is too much, too fast, too soon, which could be said about most of society today. See this program as a playful invitation, take in what feels good for now, and leave the rest. Many former participants share that it wasn’t until 6-12 months later the deeper understanding came into place.
So when you see the different opportunities in terms of Tuesday evenings, the embodiment sessions, daily emails etc, don’t make it a task where you are supposed to do everything, and get overwhelmed. See it instead as a smorgasbord of delicacies; nourish yourself with morsels of what you want, and trust that the rest will still be available to you after the course.Overall, don’t make anything into a have-to. What I consider the most important are the Tuesday evenings, but sometimes we can’t make all the sessions. (Most people can’t make all of them). So let yourself be gently led by your curiosity, your longing and your pleasure. When in the sessions, see if you can allow yourselves to let the understanding come to you, instead of seeking it out.
Most of all, trust your bodies, your heart’s longing and your pleasure.
*I’ve borrowed that expression and attitude from Kimberly Johnson and her teaching of the Jaguar for women.
The journey begins March 4, 2025
“Eros is the driving force of life itself, and the erotic is that quality in reality that makes it lively, juicy, and alluring. Cosmic desire brings the universe into being, and the world is, in one sense, an out flowing of the cosmic erotic impulse. In these various traditions, sexual desire and connection can be an expression of love for another person, for God alone, or the very basis of the existence of the universe itself.” (Sally Kempton)
About Me
My path is truth and realness, play and pleasure. I’m very curious and I love that which has life and sparkles in it. What contains Eros. I also love the grittier side of truth. What makes us real, and what we’d rather avoid talking about. And what is heart-felt and embodied.
I have a Master of Science in International Economics. I’ve led and started companies and organizations in Sweden and in the US. For a long time I worked as an executive coach for C-suite executives in Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Sweden. While I’ve worked with many men, most of my work has been with women leaders and entrepreneurs. I love the nerdy stuff and my first book I co-wrote with a man on complexity theory and it’s applications for a new paradigm. Early on I took an interest in Integral theory, and have worked with and applied developmental theory and meaning-making tools for the past 20 years in the US and in Sweden.
I also have another side, which is as a Tantric teacher and earlier also yoga and mindfulness teacher. I’ve assisted Shamans, explored psychedelics, and have taken several trainings in Energetic and intuitive work. My main path is the Diamond Approach, of which I’ve been a student for ten years; a wisdom path using inquiry as the main tool, combining Eastern insights, Sufi wisdom and Western Psychology. My biggest teacher is Eros herself, the Divine Feminine, who keeps pulling me back into her field of juicy ecstasy. With whom I flirt right back and bow in surrender.
(Some of the testimonials are translated from the Swedish courses)
"After 20 years of yoga and equally many within a career in male-dominated industries, there are few leadership programs that I’m impressed by. But Lovisa Alsen’s program was the exception! One of the most important aspects is that she has managed to combine advanced philosophy and academic references combined with the embodied and business. Often similar courses get either too fluffy or too theoretical. Lovisa Alsen manages to balance it perfectly in order to get across her message. I got insights that I use every day. These insights make me magnificent, softer, stronger and more feminine. How much would such insights be worth to you?” Mia Öhrn, Leadership Coach and Consultant”
“I believe I will look back at this course as one of the most important milestones in my development. The perfect mix of inspiration, execises and sisterhood was just what I needed to take myself to the next step, let go and start living a life out of pleasure. The course has taught me how essential the capacity to liberate and strengthen the feminine creative ability for my own and sake for the world at large in the time we live in now. I clearly see how the course has helped me to get closer to the leadership that will be necessary in order for organizations to succeed in the developing networked society.” Fanny Norlin, Marketing Director
”A phenomenal course that I wish all women could partake in. Lovisa’s ability to create a context where you challenge your thought pattern and action in a way that you didn’t think was possible. The most radically transformative course I’ve ever taken. Difficult to summarize since it reaches over your personal relationship to pleasure, sexuality and power to history, global understanding and conflicts. It has given me new knowledge, insights for real change to live a life more from pleasure. It affects your leadership abilities and your understanding on how to create impact and how. An absoultely essential course!” Strategist and Researcher in sustainability and people’s health
”Together with Lovisa I’ve been reminded of the fact that life is about pleasure. Physicially, mentally and spiritually. In harmony with all living beings, with our planet and the Universe. Especially lovely to get to know my own feminine power and sensualism in depth. Without shame or guilt. So liberating!” Professional Board Member
”I want to recommend everyone who is the least interested in self-reflection, feminism, power, leadership, sex and pleasure to dive straight into the adventure with Lovisa. A knowledgeable and safe guide through joyful and at times difficult conversations. With Lovisa as inspiration it was deeply transformative to share deeply private reflections and experiences with other women. Not always easy but incredibly rewarding. It’s a gift to be able to experience such a quality of sisterhood when you’ve turned 50+, and it was lovely that we could connect across age differences and life phases. Enriching at all levels - thank you, Lovisa! I’m looking forward to deepen my knowledge and our conversations during spring”. Marketing Director
”Wow - how can I summarize this experience…I signed up because I was feeling a bit of a dry spell, was looking for inspiration and help to take myself to the next level with young children, work and routines. I couldn’t have imagined that I would get the keys to “the entire kingdom” and new cosmic worlds. This course has given me physical keys to my own pleasure, a voice to express it and new friendships that inspire, boost and lift me as a woman in today’s society. THANK YOU Lovisa! “Entreprenur and Yoga Teacher
"The course led by Lovisa offered me an education around the mysterious power that I already possess within myself but didn't know how to access. Most education that we partake in focuses on learning external things and events. This course focuses instead on tapping into our own unique energy and power, offering a rare opportunity to explore inwards, give space to what you might not know existed and allow it to grow. For me personally, it was an opportunity to look at what is really holding me back in life (especially professionally), become conscious around that and break through those paradigms. This is a course that ALL women on this planet should take. Lotta offers an incredibly safe space to explore with a good balance of intellect and spirit. After this course, I stand taller and hold more space at work and on stage. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I had to participate."
CEO of a Charity
”A fantastic course to goes to the core of what it means to be a woman and the enormous sensual power we have within us. The course focuses on the pleasure of life, but also as a way to stop guilt and shame. We get to practice in how to become more sensual and feminine on a daily basis. Loving life. Also with a focus on the connection between the feminine sexual and spirituality. Gives a historic perspective that has been repressed in society and what potential there is if we could open up to fully for the power and the pleasure that is in the jewel.” Professional Board Member
”This course is really important - all women should take it! Through seminars and practices Lovisa carefully guides you to your own power-source. I had no idea that such a life-force was available within me all the time. THANK YOU!” Leadership Developer
”I’m very happy with the course. I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I got started, but thought it would be fun thing to give myself a boost, since I was newly separated at the start of the course. And what a boost it became. I got to see myself in the mirror and really consider how I got there and how I could wake myself up again. The practices were provoking at times, but SO important for me and my development. I left the course with a new confidence and will keep using the tools regularly so I can keep having this lovely feeling of being turned-on in the now.“ Yoga Studio Owner
The Awakening Feminine Leadership-course has given me an enormous amount of POWER, on all levels. I would describe is as nutrious kindle to my inner fire that now sparkles and dances. This fire accelerates me on all levels in life. I’m deeply grateful for my Pussy Power-sisters. It’s a divine gift to create such deep bonds of friendship this late in life. And Lovisa is a clear and playful leader who enables these adventures! Yoga Teacher and Entrepreneur
“I was attracted to the course combination of divine and eros and was curios about my sexuality and the soul-dimension. Through Lovisa’s unique and insightful guidance, I’ve been able to get a deeper understanding for who I am and my inner potential to live my life fully, from a place of joy and pleasure. Thank you for this gift, Lovisa!” Speaker, Educator and Change Agent
“Where should I start…? I got the course recommended so my expectations were high to begin with. For the past 20 years, I’ve slowly but surely rationalized away my pleasure and lived more and more out of my head and as the family’s project manager. I’ve always had a strong feminine power, but over time it got dimmed down, without me noticing. The course has been a magical journey. Pandora’s box is open and I will never go back. The insights and the contact I’ve established with my sexual energy and my pleasure have been among the strongest I’ve experienced. I recommend all women to take this course!” Entrepreneur
”I’ve gone from feeling the unfairness of being a woman to be incredibly greatful. I’ve gone from having a very critical eye regarding my body, which has created a sensation of turn-off (and sadness) to discovering beautiful parts that I hadn’t experienced before. Now I look at my body with pride, treating it with respect, care and TLC. My relationship to pleasure was almost non-existing. I could feel my longing, but was still not comfortable owning it. Today, just six weeks after the first group call - my perspective has been turned upside down out, with Lovisa’s gentle guidance - and I feel that I’ve connected with what I had longed for during a very long time. I’m very motivated to continue this journey. Which everyone around me (especially my fiancé:)) are happy about. Professionally, I used to have such high performance requirements of myself and others. Today, pleasure comes first. Others notice that I’m more focused, easy to be around and I trust myself and my capacity and find it easier to empower others.”
Marketing Director
“Awakening Feminine Leadership is something different than an ordinary course. It has not only been part of a paradigm-shift in how I see myself as a woman. To me this course is also like a work of art; a beautiful tapestry that Lovisa has created from philosophies, practical execises, life-learning and science. I now continue into the world with a deeper understanding for my own capacity as a woman and an endless curiosity how this will play out in giant co-creation that we call life”. Entrepreneur
Sign Up, Price & Payment
Payment info Signature Program
The price for the program is 970€ including 25% VAT, if you are outside Sweden.
If you have a company in Europe, the price is 970€ excluding 25% VAT (total of 1213€).
You can also choose a payment plan option paying 210 Euro for five months, total of €1050.
For Swedes:)
Om du bor och skattar i Sverige är priset 9700 kr inklusive moms som privatperson. Du kan lägga upp det över fem betalningar och då blir priset 2100 inklusive moms i fem månader.
Om du betalar via ditt/någons företag är priset 9700 kr exklusive moms, dvs totalt 12125. Du kan lägga upp det över fem betalningar och då blir priset 2100 kr exklusive moms i månaden.
If you want to get your employer pay for the program, or pay for it through your own company, I recommend using ‘feminine leadership program’ or ‘women’s leadership program’ or ‘self-leadership program’ in the subject line.
Before you pay, you need to apply for the program. You’ll be asked to fill in a questionnaire so I know a bit about who you are, what you want to get out of the program and if we are a good fit. As soon as you sign up, you’ll get a link to schedule a short call with me on Zoom. After that, I’ll send you the payment link that is the best fit for you.
Please note that this program is not therapy. As we bring in our sexuality and meeting our jewels, it’s inevitable that we will also touch on out how and why we have repressed it. We all come with our wounding around sexuality, which is welcome and held by me, and there is a solid holding in the group process, but this is not the place to explore deeper sexual trauma. If that is you, I invite you to find a therapist that can support you in that healing process. You are so welcome back when you have processed the deepest layers, so that you can activate more juiciness, without fear, and then join us in our path towards pleasure-filled, fierce and present feminine leadership.
I can’t wait to meet you!
An Invitation
As we are in for a bumpy ride globally and most likely locally as well, many of us tend to shut down, an instinctual reaction to uncertainty, by trying to protect our bodies through steeling ourselves. Which of course doesn’t work. Hardening makes us contract and it doesn’t protect us from challenges; it just makes everything darker.
What does work is stepping into the stream of life-force, Eros, and widening that stream. Which is also what is used in trauma settings through somatic therapy. You focus on what is pleasurable and gives joy, so that the stream of Eros widens, through the body, which shrinks the trauma response. This isn’t a trauma program, but it’s built on the same principle of life-force and truth, connecting with the body.
So that is my offer to you. Come and join us, who not only have tested that this works, but who know it’s possible to live closer to Eros. It doesn’t take away the realities we have to face, but instead of bracing ourselves and closing down, we can turn towards our challenges, upright, in sisterhood, with a glean in our eyes, and say BRING IT ON!
I can’t wait to meet you!