Awakening Feminine Leadership

Pleasure, Power & Presence

Awakening Feminine Leadership - Pleasure, Power and Presence is a leadership that is to be felt rather than explained. It’s an embodied state of consciousness connected to being instead of our regular instinctive and defence-based doing through our minds. You know it when you feel it and some describe it as similar to the experience of being in love, where the whole world is filled with color and possibility. It has a lightness, a playful flirty pearliness, a fullness, a presence that is tangible together with an innate sense of power. You recognize the call when you are close to someone who is in this particular state of consciousness, because you feel yourself wake up and you want to be close to that person. And as a leader in today’s intense and ever-changing world, these qualities are essential, and rare, providing an opportunity for an entirely new form of leadership.

Pleasure - When a woman is connected to what she desires and longs for, there is a spark that comes alive in her. When experienced together with other women, it becomes an exponential force. And when it also connects to a woman’s sexuality, her Shakti, Eros, her life-force, something shifts. It’s a shift in the nervous system, which leads to relaxation in the parasympathetic side, but also a sympathetic charge, a fire starting, which isn’t consuming, just life-giving. This force has always had the ability to create miracles, and it is from this place the masculine can start responding. This can be said to be the call and the response of the creation of the Universe itself.

Power - When a woman lives from below her navel, and connects with her heart, where the mind becomes the support, not the driver itself, and she engages her wild side, her (b)witchiness, if you may call it, a woman can set her boundaries and own and use her voice, which sets everyone free. She can own her aggression, without holding it back passively, and without acting it out. Which allows men/the masculine to own his/its strength. Living without her power, makes her burn out and sometimes even get sick. Living with her power and being connected to her truth, allows her to go from a girl to being a woman.

Presence - Presence is often equated with awareness or a certain hereness, e.g. on stage. This particular form of embodied presence is different. It is an awareness that feels like a substance that is self-aware and evolutionary. It can be experienced as a golden liquid in your arms and legs, like honey. When activated and practiced daily, including in the jewel and the womb, it starts to transform your ego-structure into being. You are no longer outer-directed, but recognize the voice and the guidance within and you follow your deeper longing. You become the mystic. And a whole new form of leader.

Hi, I’m Lovisa, and I invite you to discover, explore and own your longing and pleasure, your power & your presence - to embody your feminine leadership.

My red thread

My soul’s journey follows this red thread; Mysticism, Leadership, Women, the Feminine, My Own and other Women’s Turn-On, Embodiment and Sexuality, Truth, Shadows, Trauma & the all-encompassing sparkling, velvety juicy magic of Existence.

Besides the photos above, which chronicle some of my story, below are a few more ways to describe myself:

  • I’m a Mystic at my core, a lover of the mystical unknown, the vast Absolute, and the juicy embodied divine feminine, though I’ve struggled for most of my life to own and share that knowing.

  • I’m Swedish, currently living in Stockholm, Sweden, and I grew up in Västerås, a city 110 km from Stockholm. I’m also heart-related to the United States, having lived 10 years in Los Angeles, 5 years in San Francisco, and earlier 1,5 years in Albuquerque. English is my love-language, but I’m starting to appreciate the melodious earthiness of Swedish.

  • After a couple of rough years, I am standing in myself at a new level. I’m still figuring out what that means, but it tastes like sovereignty.

  • For more than half of my life, I disliked being a woman and hated my body, I looked down on other women and I despised the feminine, deeming it weak and even useless. It’s been a long journey of reclaiming my body, and learning to love myself as a woman, my femininity and my jewel (pussy), and as I continue my process, I’ve supported other women on a similar journey.

  • I love cats because they rule, and dogs because they love. And anything or anyone that has soul, passion, curiosity, individuality, playfulness and a big heart. I fell in love with Burning Man in 2004, the nerdy geek finding her playful tribe (but later got turned off because the individuality was not yet individuated), but I still love misfits and those who believe life is mischievious at its core, the cosmic joke that finds it ecstatic playing human.

  • I believe we have an Eros deficit and a playfulness forgetting. We also forget about the magic of our existence, a magic I believe myself to be in service of. I love to remind myself and others of how the feminine is about doing the funky and sensual catwalk at the edges of the Absolute. And how pussy power is the biggest creative force in the Universe.

  • I have a MSc in International Economics, and I have led and built a number of businesses and organizations, and been on several boards. I’m still in love with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, which I’ve supported and been myself for most of my life. And I’m still a nerd. If you want to know who I was when I was still focused on performing:), read more here.

  • Leadership has been a life-long interest with a focus on self-leadership. However, 99,9% of all leadership trainings are based on men and the masculine. And while there obviously are important general aspects to learn in terms of people and profits, there is no understanding of what it means for women to lead and stay close to their presence and desires, without burning out. Knowing that many women’s nervous systems, in particular under stress, operate almost in the opposite way than men’s do, and that we as women need embodiment, presence and pussy power in order to not leave ourselves, there is a big need for an alternative approach to feminine leadership.

  • I became an executive, business and leadership coach in 2004 in the US and have worked with top leaders in Silicon Valley, Hollywood and in Sweden. My specialty has been high-growth entrepreneurs and CEOs, but I’ve also worked with yoga teachers and even an exotic dancer in LA (I helped her realize her dream of starting a pole-dancing business). My focus for the past 20 years have been women leaders, and I’ve worked with hundreds and supported thousands.

  • I’ve studied trauma, individually and collectively, and in particular how trauma impacts women and women’s nervous systems, so today I bring that awareness into my courses and coaching. It’s not my focus or my expertise, but it’s important for me to be trauma-informed, especially since almost all women who take my courses have experiences of sexual boundary-violations and shame. Including myself.

  • While I need to meditate, yoga and do inquiry at least once a day to make world become clear, and filled with magic again, I have an equal need of shaking my naked booty to deep tribal house, sultry seductive tones and wonky off the charts beats.

  • Having learned that politics and activism have been in my family (on my mother’s side) since the 1870s, it’s in my blood to be updated on global and local geo-politics. After years of activism and believing it was my job to change the world, however, I’ve now traded my sword with sultry soul presence, music and dance.

  • Applying the principals of metamodernism/integral/spiral dynamics, I seek out the other perspective if only one is presented, seeking integration, and as an eight on the Enneagram, I find it challenging when people tell me what to think (or feel). My path, being a student of the Diamond Approach for the past 12 years, is the experiential truth that resides in the body, and yet is not of the body. I try to hold the turn of events lightly, increasingly moving towards the felt understanding of being in the world, but not of it.

What to expect from working with me

I offer presence, inspiration, realness and an invitation to wake up to your life-force; to who you truly are. For me truth is essential, and I’m not a BS-type of person. While I will do my best to act with integrity and compassion, I will also challenge you to become more present and more real. If diving deep and exploring the felt truth within you is not within your comfort zone, we are not going to be a good fit. But if you are willing to deep-dive, even when it’s scary, maybe with a twinkle in your eye, I just might be your person.

I don’t promise results, and am not interested in supporting you to reach your goals; that is not in the business I’m in. What I do know, though, is that when embodiment, truth, power and pleasure becomes part of your Soul’s journey, hand in hand with Eros - it will be the ride of your life-time - and for that I would love to be of service to you and for what wants to unfold within you and in all the endeavors linked to your flow.

Read more about Lovisa and what others say

If you want to learn more about me, read a more traditional summary here. And here is a link to what others say. Here is a selection of blog posts I’ve written between 2016-2020. And much earlier than that, here are a few articles written by me (then under the name Lotta) at Huffington post between 2011-2015.